I’m sharing one of my most favorite snacks in the world with you today: popcorn.
Popcorn has been a staple snack in my life since I was a little kid. I’m not talking about the microwave kind. I’m talking about the popped-in-a-pot kind.
When I was a kid, my parents’ work schedules were sometimes out of the ordinary. My dad was a working doctoral student and my mom was a librarian at the local public library. Sometimes this meant that my mom would work evenings and weekends, leaving my dad in charge of my two younger sisters and me. Dinners with Dad usually consisted of typical bachelor food. Lots of bean taco or frozen pizza nights occurred when my mom was working late. We loved it.
One of the snacks my dad made for us frequently was homemade popcorn. He would cook it very simply: in a small amount of canola oil and seasoned lightly with salt. It was an addictive treat.
It wasn’t until years later that I was introduced to the microwave version. While it had a fun “movie theater butter” flavor, nothing beat the taste and smell of the home-popped stuff.
So, as an adult, I have carried on my dad’s tradition of making homemade popcorn. I RARELY (like, once a year) buy the microwave kind, and when I do, I’m so boring about it. I usually go for the all-natural, simply salted variety. The fake butter just doesn’t do it for me. I prefer popping it at home and eating it like my dad used to serve it: with a sprinkle of salt. OR I turn the volume and add my favorite flavors to the mix.
My husband and I nosh on a bowl of this version at least once a week. It’s addictive and delicious and wonderfully nostalgic for me. Popcorn takes me home…back to simpler days where the biggest crises in the house were a glass of spilled milk or a lost Barbie shoe. The good ol’ days.
One of the best things about popping your own corn is that the flavor possibilities are endless. Sometimes I do just garlic. Sometimes I do just truffle. Sometimes I sprinkle it with parmesan cheese. Sometimes I add some spices like chili powder. Really, you can do anything your heart desires.
Pop some corn. It’s so easy! Any time or effort you do put into it is so totally worth it.
Garlic-Truffle Popcorn
Garlic cloves, smashed
White truffle oil
Lots of salt
Heat a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Add 3-5 popcorn kernels to the oil and wait until tiny bubbles form around them. This indicates that the oil is hot enough to add the rest of the popcorn.
Add the rest of the popcorn, give the pot a good shake, and then cover. The popcorn will pop during the next 3-5 minutes. I usually give the pot a shake or two during this time. As soon as the popping begins to substantially slow down, turn off the heat.
Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the crushed garlic. Bring to a gentle bubble and then remove from heat. Allow the garlic to infuse the butter while you wait for your popcorn to pop.
Once the popcorn is done popping, remove lid, and liberally season with salt. Pour on the garlic butter and a drizzle of truffle oil. Toss well to coat. Taste to see if everything is how you like it and then enjoy!
Note: I’m not giving exact measurements for this recipe because I think how much popcorn you eat is one of those things you figure out for yourself. A good rule of thumb that I use for a large pot of popcorn (10-12 cups), is to use about ⅓ cup of popcorn, 3-4 tablespoons of butter, and two smashed garlic cloves. Truffle oil and salt are “to taste” ingredients.
I’m a little ashamed to admit I’ve never popped “real,” non-microwave popcorn — but this sounds amazing! I love anything garlic, and you really can’t fault the addition of truffle . . . sounds fantastic! My popcorn-loving husband would be on board for sure.
Oh you have to try making popcorn at home! It’s so easy and so delicious. Plus, you don’t have any “mystery ingredients” lurking 🙂 Let me know if you give it a shot!